How to ensure consistent metrics in your warehouse

1. Introduction

If you’ve worked on a data team, you’ve likely encountered situations where multiple teams define metrics in slightly different ways, leaving you to untangle why discrepancies exist.

The root cause of these metric deviations often stems from rapid data utilization without prioritizing long-term maintainability. Imagine this common scenario: a company hires its first data professional, who writes an ad-hoc SQL query to compute a metric. Over time, multiple teams build their own datasets using this query—each tweaking the metric definition slightly.

As the number of downstream consumers grows, so does the volume of ad-hoc requests to the data team to investigate inconsistencies. Before long, the team spends most of its time firefighting data bugs and reconciling metric definitions instead of delivering new insights. This cycle erodes trust, stifles career growth, and lowers team morale.

Multi-team table model causing discrepancies

This post explores two options to reduce ad-hoc data issues and empower consumers to derive insights independently.

2. Centralize Metric Definitions in Code

The foundation of consistency lies in defining critical metrics in a single repository. While code organization varies (e.g., medallion architecture, dbt), metric consolidation typically follows one of two approaches.

Option A: Semantic Layer for On-the-Fly Queries

A semantic layer allows you to define dimensions (columns in the GROUP BY clause) and metrics (computed columns) in a static format, often YAML files. Consumers (APIs, BI tools) query this layer, which dynamically generates SQL against raw tables.

Semantic layer architecture



Option B: Pre-Aggregated Tables for Consumers

This approach involves creating pre-computed tables with fixed metrics and dimensions tailored to specific use cases.

Pre-aggregated tables architecture



3. Conclusion & Recap


Recommendation: If possible, adopt a semantic layer tool like Cube.js early to balance flexibility and scalability. Reserve pre-aggregated tables for niche use cases with strict cost constraints.

Please let me know in the comment section below if you have any questions or comments.

4. Required Reading

  1. What are facts and dimensions?
  2. Multi-hop architecture

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